Super Sonic
Great work on the Fleetway Super Sonic ComicK! :D
Super Sonic
Great work on the Fleetway Super Sonic ComicK! :D
Just incredible, I loved it......
An engaging, imaginative take on the stick genre without any of the pretention found in the Castle series. Meaning that you embraced the style, retained the correct perspective and camera angle while injecting a level of style and excitement that is awe inspiring.
Where as the Castle series is little more than a regular flick hiding behind the label of "stick flick" to save on any true character design, this embraces the style, and would be, as far as Ive seen; the best example as yet.
Well done
Oh and the final fantasy 12 music fit very well
Rough but has potential
Good idea but maybe you should have saved it for when your skills are a bit more advanced, as is the simple stickman isnt actually that far removed from your rough sketch. The step from motion tween to frame by frame would have been an interesting next step.
Disclaimer: Dialog written by 10 year old
Corny script, terrible voice acting, slappably predictable story line.... Christ, do standards really fall so low when it comes to web based animation? When it comes to web content I can forgive rough graphics, afterall not everyone has an animation studio at their disposal rather a mouse and something that can be loosely defined as a computer.
But a script and passable dialog is something that anyone should be capable of.... Graphically it was grand, but as a story driven piece this is incredibly weak with a script that wouldnt be acceptable for Movie or Tv so why should it be here?
Eventually lll realise its a loop
haha brilliant
This is clearly deep
because nothing happened..... very profound!
No character interaction of any kind..... besides the eye abandoning its body in its hour of need, sentient eyes are a bitch! eh?
Love it
An ordinary non-story told in an unconventional way, love it!
A bad parody
I much preferred the graphic novels take on this, in it Dr Manhatten didnt give too shits about blowing up Rorschach. His mind was concluded in an instant, he had no remorse or second thoughts.
But the film juiced the situation added abit too much angst.....
As a parody this wasnt clever or imaginative...... Its stupid and worthy of a drunken thought and thats about it
A drunken thought that needed to be shared with the ENTIRE WORLD...
...on the internet...
Decent story and scripting but the animation was weak...... The characters had a habit of moving along like card board cut outs, try adding more than 1 or 2 frames per movement, as it is now things just look unnatural.
A fantastic Series that will be fondly remembered.......
University of Ulster Magee
Joined on 12/3/08