WAY better than the netflix thing this is probably being changed to differentiate itself from.
Also congratulations on making a likeable female character who isnt a nag or serious person for the whacky men to bounce off.
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WAY better than the netflix thing this is probably being changed to differentiate itself from.
Also congratulations on making a likeable female character who isnt a nag or serious person for the whacky men to bounce off.
shite! :)
Holy fuck that was amazing, absolute phenomenal amount of work involved here, if this was the culmination of my life's work I'd be happy, you should be very proud!
Thank you thank you! I'm kind of embarrassed to admit how long the whole film took.
Hilarious Game!
Brilliant I loved it, just wish I could play it with a controller, its an absolute bitch on the wrists trying to play this using the arrows. Think I would have preferred to use the W,A,S,D keys, after just a few minutes my right wrist was aching.... and it can usually handle quite a bit of hammeren haha.
Its okay, but it can be fairly inaccurate saying that I missed when the ball went in the net, still nice job.
Excellent, wouldnt mind to see your workflow for producing these, hand drawn to digital?
.... and I'm done
Ha..... Duck
University of Ulster Magee
Joined on 12/3/08